Palmer Events Center to Host Austin Record Convention, City-Wide Vintage Sale and More in May
AUSTIN, Texas – The Palmer Events Center is gearing up to host four events in May after a successful return to hosting live, public events in April beginning with the City-Wide Vintage Sale. The four events scheduled to take place in May are estimated to bring in a total of 9,500 people to the Palmer Events Center.
The 2021 Austin Record Convention will return to action Friday, May 7 through Sunday, May 9 and will bring in approximately 4,200 shoppers staggered over three days (www.austinrecords.com). The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation will host Great Strides Austin on May 15 as a virtual event and car parade to celebrate the organization’s efforts toward finding a cure for cystic fibrosis (www.fightcf.cff.org). The second City-Wide Vintage Sale of 2021 will take place the weekend of May 22-23 and is expected to bring in approximately 4,000 vintage shoppers staggered throughout the weekend (www.citywidevintagesale.com). Palmer Events Center’s final event of May is the 2021 CapTex Tri from May 30-31 (www.captextri.com).
“To say our teams are excited to be back to the business of serving our community, our clients and their attendees would be an understatement,” said Faith Ward, the Palmer Events Center’s Director of Sales. “The benefit and value these events contribute to our city, our culture, and our economy provide considerable impact right here where we live. We’re happy to play a role in reviving those events in the safest, most responsible way possible.”
The month of June will feature seven events at the Palmer Events Center that are expected to bring in a total of more than 14,000 guests throughout the month.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or face coverings are required by all individuals at all times while inside Austin Convention Center Department buildings, including the Palmer Events Center. The City of Austin continues to prioritize employee and public safety and will maintain all COVID-19 safety protocols, including requiring everyone—employees and public—in a city facility to wear a face mask. The City continues requiring physical distancing and all other hygiene protocols.
The Austin Convention Center and Palmer Events Center are operated by the Austin Convention Center Department, a division of the City of Austin. The department will continue to operate under the guidance of the City of Austin, Austin Public Health (APH), and other local health authorities.
The monthly event calendar for the Palmer Events Center can be found at www.palmereventscenter.com and more information about the Austin Convention Center Department’s safety procedures can be found here.
Derick Hackett, Senior Public Information Specialist 512.404.4021 or derick.hackett@austintexas.gov
Terri McBride, Public Information and Marketing Manager 512.404.4020 or terri.mcbride@austintexas.gov